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AudioCarver prototype coming soon... (testers needed)

🔗Andrew Fillebrown <AMiltonF@...>

10/15/2008 3:39:52 PM

Hello MMM members!

I am writing to let you know that the first prototype of the
standalone free open-source version of the ANS-like AutoCAD plugin
I've talked about for many years is nearing completion and will soon
be ready for testing. I have dubbed it "AudioCarver" and I plan on
posting it on before the end of the month.

It is built, for the most part, using Trolltech's Qt application
framework but also uses System In Motion's Coin3d library for the core
3d interface, which is an open-source version of SGI's original Open
Inventor library for OpenGL. It saves and loads its files in xml and
exports to csound's combined orchestra/score csd format for generating
the audio, exporting to the x3d format for generating graphics which
can then be imported into a modeling application like Blender for
animation. I do not know how to build Mac or Linux versions but I
will be spending the next two weeks learning Trolltech's build system
before releasing the prototype so that compiling for multiple
platforms may be simplified. I will also be making some, if not all,
of the required specialized csound orchestras I use available for free
as well.

The prototype is limited in what it can do at the moment and is
more of an experiment to see if it is something I'm capable of (which
apparently I am!), but I am opening it up for testing anyway to see if
any issues surface that may indicate an alternative design would be
better down the road. Let me know if you would like to help test the
prototype and subsequent beta versions.

Andy Fillebrown


🔗Andrew Fillebrown <AMiltonF@...>

10/15/2008 3:45:38 PM

... and apparently, when I type my newer email address, yahoo clips it
and changes the link into my old email address.

Please use the following address to let me know if you would like to
test the prototype... andy [-at-]

🔗Prent Rodgers <prentrodgers@...>

10/16/2008 10:01:56 AM

What are the requirements on the workstation? Does one have to have a
license for all the software you mentioned? e.g. Autocad, etc.

Prent Rodgers

--- In, "Andrew Fillebrown"
<AMiltonF@...> wrote:
> ... and apparently, when I type my newer email address, yahoo clips
> and changes the link into my old email address.
> Please use the following address to let me know if you would like to
> test the prototype... andy [-at-]

🔗Andrew Fillebrown <AMiltonF@...>

10/17/2008 5:09:27 AM

I have freed myself from Autocad! It is no longer a requirement. The
app I'm talking about now, AudioCarver, is basically the 3d model
editor I am building to replace Autocad in my work-flow. It is slow
and hard to use at the moment, but will improve over time.

The only major requirement for AudioCarver that I know of is an OpenGL
graphics card compatible with the Coin3d library, which my two year
old $500 laptop has a minimal implementation of and it runs fine.

The two software libraries it's built on (Qt and Coin3d) have a GNU
license, as will AudioCarver. The 2 other programs in my work-flow
(Csound and Blender) are also GNU licensed, thus making the entire
process free and open source.

Unfortunately, it only runs on Windows right now, but Qt and Coin3d,
are both cross-platform so hopefully there will be Mac and Linux
versions available soon.

--- In, "Prent Rodgers"
<prentrodgers@...> wrote:
> What are the requirements on the workstation? Does one have to have a
> license for all the software you mentioned? e.g. Autocad, etc.
> Prent Rodgers
> --- In, "Andrew Fillebrown"
> <AMiltonF@> wrote:
> >