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Sound creation

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

8/5/2008 12:27:38 AM

I have most of my app pretty well mapped out, the only thing I'm not
sure of is how people prefer to actually make sound. I had decided to
incorporate soundfonts and Csound orc instruments, but now I'm
wondering if I could set up VST plugins as well. Would that be useful
for people?
I'm not going to directly implement MIDI output; the Csound API uses
MIDI conventions to communicate with soundfonts and VST plugins, but
it does so pretty freely.



8/5/2008 7:18:08 AM

Yes! I am thinking Garritan personal orchestra!


Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "Chuckk Hubbard" <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2008 07:27:38
To: <>
Subject: [MMM] Sound creation

I have most of my app pretty well mapped out, the only thing I'm not
sure of is how people prefer to actually make sound. I had decided to
incorporate soundfonts and Csound orc instruments, but now I'm
wondering if I could set up VST plugins as well. Would that be useful
for people?
I'm not going to directly implement MIDI output; the Csound API uses
MIDI conventions to communicate with soundfonts and VST plugins, but
it does so pretty freely.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

8/12/2008 8:05:13 AM

OK, I did some looking at how Csound works with VST, and I have a
feeling the only way this will be possible is if the plugin in
question accepts fractional note numbers... any idea if Garriton does?
I might be able to whip up a little test app, if you like. If so, let
me know what OS you need it for...


--- In, chrisvaisvil@... wrote:
> Yes! I am thinking Garritan personal orchestra!
> Thanks
> Chris
> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Chuckk Hubbard" <BadMuthaHubbard@...>
> Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2008 07:27:38
> To: <>
> Subject: [MMM] Sound creation
> I have most of my app pretty well mapped out, the only thing I'm not
> sure of is how people prefer to actually make sound. I had decided to
> incorporate soundfonts and Csound orc instruments, but now I'm
> wondering if I could set up VST plugins as well. Would that be useful
> for people?
> I'm not going to directly implement MIDI output; the Csound API uses
> MIDI conventions to communicate with soundfonts and VST plugins, but
> it does so pretty freely.
> -Chuckk
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]