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Missed this Event: Intersections of the Arts and Science 7/14/08

🔗Prent Rodgers <prentrodgers@...>

7/22/2008 8:05:12 AM

This looks like it would have been interesting, but I didn't hear
about it until today (7/22) and the event was 7/14. Robert Rich spoke.

"8:00-8:20: Robert Rich, Electronic and Digital Composer, on
"Microtonal Music and Just Intonation"
A brief introduction to the use of tuning systems based upon ratios,
focusing on musical examples and audio demonstrations, with just a bit
of history and not much math."

More of his music, including an online player here

The overview is interesting:

"An event about Artists and Scientists who work/think/imagine/engage
at the intersections of the Arts and Science. | Chaired by Piero
Scaruffi (p@...) | The event is free and open to everybody. |
Please RSVP to p@... . Admission is limited. July 14, 2008.
Location: 835 Market, between 4th and 5th Streets, 6th floor, San
Francisco (downtown facilities of SFSU)."