another microtonal recording:
> AGP111 is a transcription of an LP containing two
> more works by Horatiu Radulescu, both of which feature
> the composer's beloved sound icon--a piano turned on its
> side and played directly on the exposed strings. In fact, one
> of the works is scored for 16 sound icons!
> I have been hesitant to include this installment in the AGP
> because the LP is nominally in print on Edition RZ. However,
> Forced Exposure no longer includes it in their catalog, and the
> vast majority of people wouldn't be able to use an LP copy anyway.
> If anyone at Edition RZ comes across this and objects to a transcription
> being included in the AGP, I do hope they will contact me through the
> AGP website and let me know so I can remove it.
> If you have a decent analog rig and you like this installment, I strongly
> encourage you to seek out a copy of the LP, as the complex percussive
> sounds of the sound icons lose their edge in being digitized at > 16-bit/44-kHz.
> Also, I encourage everyone to check out the other excellent music > published
> by Edition RZ and distributed through Forced Exposure. There are both > LPs and CDs.
> Check it out at:
> Enjoy!
* David Beardsley
Thanks. Milan
David Beardsley wrote:
> another microtonal recording:
>> GP111 >> >> Enjoy!