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Microtonal phase mod synth


5/4/2008 6:31:59 PM

Hi - I've posted a new microtonal VST (Windows) synth at

It's a four-oscillator, polyphonic phase modulation synth made with
SynthEdit plus some custom code. The synth loads Scala files
and supports on the fly ensemble key change. Each oscillator can
be offset by any pitch of the current tuning (up to 43 scale degrees).
These offsets can be modified in mid-note by host automation.
The oscillators can be ganged in parallel like drawbars of a Hammond
organ, or cascaded in FM-style routings where the output of one
oscillator drives the timbre of its target. I find that JI intervals
between oscillators can give modulation sidebands that are less
clangorous than those of the typical FM synth. I'm offering the
synth as registered donationware.
- Robert