A slightly biased review from Downtown Music Gallery:
New on OgreOgress:
MORTON FELDMAN/DAVID BEARDSLEY/DAVID KOTLOWY/JOHN PROKOP/DAVID TOUB - For Feldman [DVD Audio] (OgreOgress; USA) Second in a series featuring previously unreleased works by emerging composers, this 96-minute
96kHz/24bit Audio DVD contains 4 world premiere recordings and the only available digital
recording of 3 works [Three Pieces for String Quartet (1956)] by Morton Feldman.
David Beardsley is a good friend of mine who used to maintain
the DMG website. We often hang out and talk about La Monte
Young, Rod Poole, John Abercrombie and Morton Feldman. This
is his first recorded piece and it is both mesmerizing and slightly
disturbing. It is titled, "As Beautiful as a Crescent of a New Moon
on a Cloudless Spring Evening". It was inspired by Morton Feldman
and "tuned to the system known as Just Intonation". It is 30-minutes
long and it is filled with long, slowly see-sawing drones that make me
feel as if I am aboard a ship slowly floating on the waves. Since this
piece changes slowly, it is more environmental in sound. Just let it flow
and take you along with it. I love the way the notes shimmer and float
like feathers on the air. You can actually observe the texture of each
sound as it slowly evolves. Although I did enjoy the other pieces here
by Morton Feldman and the other lesser-known composers, I felt the
Beardsley piece was the most fascinating of the bunch. - BLG
* David Beardsley
* microtonal guitar
* http://biink.com