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Issues with the Radio

🔗jarod.dcamp <jarod.dcamp@...>

10/19/2007 3:08:42 AM

A few people mentioned they were having trouble listening to the radio
last week. Is this still an issue? If so, please let me know and we
can try to get it fixed.

Please note however that at its current settings, anything below and
including 56k modem is too slow to listen to the station. If there
are a number of you that have that connection, let me know and I can
see about fixing that.

Once again, please let me know if you are having issues, so I can work
with Live365 to fix them.


81/80 Radio

🔗J.Smith <jsmith9624@...>

10/19/2007 4:53:59 AM


Let me first say thanks for the time and effort you've put into this
project -- it's sorely needed.

That being said, let me also say I can hear the music just fine -- now
that I've jumped through an annoying amount of flaming hoops to hear it.
I suppose I'm just being unecessarily cranky and cantankerous after
having to go through all that nonsense -- at 5:58 am. I wouldn't be
nearly so cranky if I hadn't spent 20 minutes vainly trying to find the
music somewhere after clicking the button which says, "Click Here To
Listen" and "Play".

I loathe and despise registration with a passion purple; however, I'll
often comply for a noble cause -- and if warned ahead of time. I find
the phrases "Click Here To Listen" and "Play" to be unfortunately
misleading -- they imply immediate access to the music itself. Perhaps
amending those sentences to "REGISTER/LOG-IN FIRST, Then Click Here To
Listen" or "REGISTRATION/LOG-IN REQUIRED To Play" might be kinder and
gentler to irritable eccentrics, such as yours truly... :-D


--- In, "jarod.dcamp" <jarod.dcamp@...>
> A few people mentioned they were having trouble listening to the radio
> last week. Is this still an issue? If so, please let me know and we
> can try to get it fixed.
> Please note however that at its current settings, anything below and
> including 56k modem is too slow to listen to the station. If there
> are a number of you that have that connection, let me know and I can
> see about fixing that.
> Once again, please let me know if you are having issues, so I can work
> with Live365 to fix them.
> Thanks,
> Jarod
> 81/80 Radio

🔗hstraub64 <hstraub64@...>

10/19/2007 8:42:36 AM

--- In, "jarod.dcamp" <jarod.dcamp@...>
> A few people mentioned they were having trouble listening to the
> radio last week. Is this still an issue? If so, please let me
> know and we can try to get it fixed.

On my machine, it still does not run with Firefox. But with MS Internet
Explorer, it works - without registering, too. So, no issue from me. I
join Jon in saying thanks for your efforts!

In case you are still looking for new music, here is some by me:
Hans Straub

🔗Carl Lumma <carl@...>

10/19/2007 11:00:43 AM

>> A few people mentioned they were having trouble listening to the
>> radio last week. Is this still an issue? If so, please let me
>> know and we can try to get it fixed.
>On my machine, it still does not run with Firefox. But with MS Internet
>Explorer, it works - without registering, too. So, no issue from me.

That sounds like an issue -- you had to switch browsers!


🔗Carl Lumma <carl@...>

10/19/2007 11:01:48 AM

At 03:08 AM 10/19/2007, you wrote:
>A few people mentioned they were having trouble listening to the radio
>last week. Is this still an issue? If so, please let me know and we
>can try to get it fixed.
>Please note however that at its current settings, anything below and
>including 56k modem is too slow to listen to the station. If there
>are a number of you that have that connection, let me know and I can
>see about fixing that.
>Once again, please let me know if you are having issues, so I can work
>with Live365 to fix them.

Unfortunately I don't think Live365 has either the power or the
inclination to fix the problems with their site.


🔗jarod.dcamp <jarod.dcamp@...>

10/19/2007 11:27:14 AM

--- In, Carl Lumma <carl@...> wrote:
> At 03:08 AM 10/19/2007, you wrote:
> >A few people mentioned they were having trouble listening to the
> >last week. Is this still an issue? If so, please let me know
and we
> >can try to get it fixed.
> >
> >Please note however that at its current settings, anything below
> >including 56k modem is too slow to listen to the station. If
> >are a number of you that have that connection, let me know and I
> >see about fixing that.
> >
> >Once again, please let me know if you are having issues, so I can
> >with Live365 to fix them.
> Unfortunately I don't think Live365 has either the power or the
> inclination to fix the problems with their site.
> -Carl

I think you are right Carl. But at least if we can figure out
ourselves which Browsers work with it etc. We can help others. I
have heard that you can't listen on a Mac. Has anyone else
experienced this?


🔗kylegann1955 <kgann@...>

10/19/2007 11:46:54 AM

> I think you are right Carl. But at least if we can figure out
> ourselves which Browsers work with it etc. We can help others. I
> have heard that you can't listen on a Mac. Has anyone else
> experienced this?
> -Jarod

Nah, a Mac is what I've been listening to Live365 on for years. For what it's worth, I use Safari.
I put up a plug for your station on my blog, Jarod:

Hope it brings in a few listeners.



🔗iranief <carlo@...>

10/19/2007 12:45:49 PM

No, I can listen on a Mac through iTunes. the strange thing is that when I want to quit
listening, FIrefox refuses to quit and I am forced to "force quit" it.

--- In, "jarod.dcamp" <jarod.dcamp@...> wrote:
> I have heard that you can't listen on a Mac. Has anyone else
> experienced this?
> -Jarod

🔗Jarod DCamp <jarod.dcamp@...>

10/19/2007 12:52:05 PM

Yeah, I saw that Kyle! Thanks for the kind words!

So do you keep in touch with Henry these days? (That sounds wierd for me to call him that. I am used to calling him Dr. Gwiazda) I usually email him and it takes him like 3 weeks to reply. He is that kind of guy sometimes though.

Thanks again, and I love Charing Cross!

kylegann1955 <kgann@...> wrote:

> I think you are right Carl. But at least if we can figure out
> ourselves which Browsers work with it etc. We can help others. I
> have heard that you can't listen on a Mac. Has anyone else
> experienced this?
> -Jarod

Nah, a Mac is what I've been listening to Live365 on for years. For what it's worth, I use Safari.
I put up a plug for your station on my blog, Jarod:

Hope it brings in a few listeners.



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🔗kylegann1955 <kgann@...>

10/20/2007 3:05:05 AM

--- In, Jarod DCamp <jarod.dcamp@...> wrote:
> Yeah, I saw that Kyle! Thanks for the kind words!
> So do you keep in touch with Henry these days? (That sounds wierd for me to call him
that. I am used to calling him Dr. Gwiazda) I usually email him and it takes him like 3 weeks
to reply. He is that kind of guy sometimes though.
> Thanks again, and I love Charing Cross!

Thanks, Jarod. Yeah, Henry and I are both slow responders, but we stay in touch regularly.
Have to keep complaining about the idiocy of the music world, or who know what would
