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Announcement: September Sale

🔗Aaron Andrew Hunt <aahunt@...>

9/1/2007 12:03:43 PM

TBX1 microtonal Tuning Box is on sale this month for 297 USD,
(20% off the regular price of 349 USD).

If you want to use a standard (non-native microtonal) synth for making
microtonal music, or if you want instant recall of hundreds of tunings at
the push of a button without using a computer, this is the solution for you.
TBX1 allows you to play live, and use standard notation and sequencing
software to make microtonal music with a standard synthesizer. It even
works with $99 synths; plug and play, easy setup and no laptop required.
Select the tuning, bank and ptach you want by pushing just one button.
Make your own tunings with TBXE software (which also imports Scala files).
Check out the full specs and FAQ, download the software and manual,
listen to some sequences made using TBX1:


Please send questions by email to: info (at) h-pi (dot) com.
We're here to help.

Aaron Hunt
H-Pi Instruments
1010 10th Street
Charleston, IL 61920