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Re: Lou Harrison, La Monte Young, & John Cage on the New Sounds radi

🔗Christopher Bailey <chris@...>

8/19/2007 1:53:32 PM

These used to be among my favorite composers. But after reading this
comment, I realized that I've been wrong for 20 years.

Thank you for enlightening me.

> Yes but which musician who takes her/himself, art and fellow > human
beings seriously, would want to?
>> Joe <tamahome02000@... <>> wrote: You can
listen to
>> all 3 here from the august archive:

Christopher Bailey

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🔗Christopher Bailey <chris@...>

8/21/2007 5:14:31 AM

>. [Of course the actual
> deliberately meaningless jumble of arbitrary sounds could
> sound quite
> exciting for a half a minute or so - so long as enough of them
> were
> going on together: like in 'hpschd' etc.]

Actually, "hpschd", at least on the recording, I find too dense, to really
make any thing useful out of it as a listener..

On the other hand, Steve Drury's fairly recent recording of the Concert for
Piano and Orchestra I find wonderfully enjoyable .. . . all 34' of it. I
can follow one event to the other, hearing the arbitrary relationships. A
similar experience can be had with Atlas Eclipticalus & Winter Music
(recording by the SEM ensemble).

We can argue about whether or not he is responsible for any of this, (and I
guess in the end, who cares?), but I have read that Cage would revise, if
not the pieces themselves, the processes used to create them, until he
produced the kind of results he was looking for.

Christopher Bailey

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🔗Christopher Bailey <chris@...>

8/21/2007 5:15:15 AM

. . . . .although it is good to mention "hpschd" on this forum, since it's
one of the earliest pieces in non-12 ET's .

Christopher Bailey

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