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11 combined with 13 and other combos

🔗Christopher Bailey <chris@...>

5/21/2007 9:37:37 AM

I was working on a piece that used 7 combined with 5. I thought that it might end up like a swarped version of black-keys/white-keys. Didn't quite work out that way.

🔗monz <monz@...>

5/21/2007 8:28:14 PM

Hi Chris,

--- In, Christopher Bailey <chris@...>
> I was working on a piece that used 7 combined with 5.
> I thought that it might end up like a swarped version
> of black-keys/white-keys. Didn't quite work out that way.

You might be interested in some of the tunings and
mappings that my friend Brink has used, which map
one tuning to the 7 white keys of the keyboard and
another tuning to the 5 black keys. I have webpages
about some of them:

the Pyramid-on-Mars symmetry:

Phinocchio tuning, referenced here:

Tonescape microtonal music software