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To Aaron...

🔗J.Smith <jsmith9624@...>

5/14/2007 9:34:01 PM


Thanks for your kind e-mail re "Etude No.2". I will post my original
rendition of this composition to ZeBox shortly for everyone's
consideration. Also, I'll give thought to posting the score in the
list's files.

With your "Insect Ballet", Daniel's "Nocturne", Tom's "Fependeed" and
Jacob's "Fonala" -- and others from Phases One and Two -- I hope we're
seeing the foundations of an established and growing repetoire of piano
music (or keyboards generally) in 17-edo.



[I tried to respond off-list to your e-mail, but for the second time an
e-mail from me has been rejected and returned. Can you provide me with
an address where private correspondence won't be repeatedly rejected as
"spam"? Thanks! :-) ]

🔗Aaron K. Johnson <aaron@...>

5/15/2007 6:39:54 AM

J.Smith wrote:
> Aaron,
> Thanks for your kind e-mail re "Etude No.2". I will post my original
> rendition of this composition to ZeBox shortly for everyone's
> consideration. Also, I'll give thought to posting the score in the
> list's files.
> With your "Insect Ballet", Daniel's "Nocturne", Tom's "Fependeed" and
> Jacob's "Fonala" -- and others from Phases One and Two -- I hope we're
> seeing the foundations of an established and growing repetoire of piano
> music (or keyboards generally) in 17-edo.
> My hopes exactly!

> [I tried to respond off-list to your e-mail, but for the second time an
> e-mail from me has been rejected and returned. Can you provide me with
> an address where private correspondence won't be repeatedly rejected as
> "spam"? Thanks! :-) If you try again, it might work--I took Sapm Assassin off--I think my site's server ISP is strict about using SpamCop, and it rejects all Yahoo correspondence when on, b/c Yahoo apparantly is a Spam host offender....
