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AFMM Microtonal Doings:


5/5/2007 10:48:57 AM

Hi Joe,

It was great working with Kyle Gann. I played synthesizer in his piece,
while he played the faster melodic lines on a separate instrument. I'll know
better when I see the video. Since his was the only electric piece I would
like very much to see the recording. The Day Revisited by Kyle Gann is planned
for a new CD release, but I'm not sure of the actual details. Kyle?

best, Johnny Reinhard

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5/5/2007 11:57:36 AM

Joe -- it appears I anticipated by some days. I called RL Soundlabs as was
told the East coast to West coast takes some days longer. I will announce as
soon as the CDs are available from CD Baby. But I have the stock already.
$12. each from me at this time.

Johnny Reinhard

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