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Re: For Shaahin...

🔗J.Smith <jsmith9624@...>

3/8/2007 2:16:24 PM

Magnus, you wrote:

"Very nice one Jon!" [Thanks!] "I couldn't feel the meter but then
again 11/8 is not something I commonly hear. I could feel the eights at
least I guess :)"

The 9/8 meter in the beginning is played quite freely in tempo, to
obscure the meter and give an improvised feeling. The 11/8 meter (with
drum) is really just 3 + 3 + 3 + 2/8, with the santoor breaking into
syncopations against the percussion now & then.

"This mode seems to work very well, especially with the santoor sound.
It is curious that your fifth 10/9 is a comma flat from 3/2, but I
didn't notice that when I listened."

The entire tuning has a rather nice flavor, I think. The mode is tuned
from 1/1= C, but I chose the plagal mode starting on the fifth for this
composition. The melodic material emphasizes 3/2 and 1/1 as the
primary/secondary tonal centers, with 9/5 as a third (but less
emphasized) center.

This mode is comprised entirely of neutral, medium and major seconds
(from 3/2): 12/11 - 11/10 - 10/9 - 10/9 - 11/10 - 12/11 - 9/8.

[The score in PDF is available on request.]

