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Covert ops (was Re: Xenophon 3)

🔗J.Smith <jsmith9624@...>

2/19/2007 6:12:52 AM

Jon (the Greater):

"What would happen if a bunch of us ended up belonging to that group, if
only to post non-12 music? [ ]... I wonder if a small number of people
who were very sincere in their non-12 music-making might sway some


Shhhhh! Don't "out" our operatives!

[Seriously, I can't think of a composer's group which needs
"microtonalists" and alternate-tuning enthusiasts more desperately. It's
way past time for alternate tunings to become mainstream thought for
composers/performers. Historical instrumentalists have been there for a
while already.

Some folks over there are very open to the idea of tuning questions,
others think God Herself invented 12-ET -- the rest aren't even
conscious of "tuning" and the profound part it has played in the
evolution of Western music. And these are COMPOSERS.

Our work is cut out for us.]

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