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Re: [MMM] Arbor Low score

🔗Carl Lumma <ekin@...>

12/13/2006 8:53:28 PM



At 07:43 PM 12/13/2006, you wrote:
>I have finished a typeset version of the tablature for my 21-Tone JI
>piece, "Arbor Low". I have posted a PDF on my website:
>PDFs of music staves dont usually look very good on the screen (the
>lines are all different thicknesses), but it prints out very nicely.
>I must profusely thank Wim Hoogewerf for showing me how to tweak
>Sibelius to do not only ratios on the tab but in different colors as
>well. Without his help there is no way in hell I would have figured
>out how to do this.