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Art of the States

🔗Prent Rodgers <prentrodgers@...>

11/21/2006 5:21:40 AM

This web site has been up for several years, but I just noticed it.
They have Realaudio samples of about 280 pieces by 200 U.S. composers.

There's a nice version of Three Intrusions by Harry Partch, on which
he sings and plays Adapted Guitar II, with Ben Johnston on Diamond
Marimba here:

Prent Rodgers

🔗Jon Szanto <jszanto@...>

11/21/2006 9:07:20 AM


{you wrote...}
>This web site has been up for several years, but I just noticed it. ... There's a nice version of Three Intrusions by Harry Partch...

Funny that you should have just noticed, as that particular Partch item just went up in the last couple of days. I worked a little bit with Matthew Packwood, the producer, on some of the details. They have a pretty broad panorama of music, certainly worth checking out.
