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Stretch in New York

🔗Joseph Pehrson <jpehrson@...>

9/22/2006 7:31:18 PM

Generally I hate cross posting (or cross dressing??) but here I am
doing it. Why? Well, I actually thought I was posting to this
forum the first time. I'm losing it, obviously...

I heard Stretch in New York at the Coda club. That's Paul Erlich's
group, as many of you know. They were quite good. I really enjoyed
their playing, especially the first tunes. I had the feeling they
were maybe playing it a bit more "straight" than some of the more
experimental things I had heard in the past, and I didn't hear many
microtones... at least not *intentional* ones. I also didn't hear as
many complex (international) Middle Eastern rhythms, which I
remembered from the past.

But, nevertheless, the club was cool... even classy with big
chandeliers and a nice vibe. They played at what I considered a
reasonable volume level as well...

Paul seems to be taking quite a bit of the lead guitar work these
days, even though he said later that it was supposed to be "half and
half..." His "guitar chops" are really happening now, so it seems....

Good going, Paul!

Joe Pehrson