klergstudios escreveu:
> Hello. I am still a beginner with this type of music. Where are > tutorials, guides, etc. on how to create this kind of music with a PC? > Is it best to first buy hardware (i.e. a MIDI keyboard) that can play > more than 12 notes in an octave? Which MIDI keyboard has this > facility, anyways? Microtonal-synthesis.com list mostly keyboard-LESS > synthesizers with this ability. I have Scala, but it won't let me > create music with the scales i make. > > My sequencer, Digital Orchestrator, and notation app, Noteworthy > Composer remain locked in 12-tone equal temperament. How can i tune > the 12(or hopefully more)pitches of an equal-tempered scale in cents > so my sequencer or notation app will recognise the new tones? Does the > hardware/software need to support MIDI Tuning Standard (MTS),or will > pitch bend messages do this? Hello klergstudios,
I suppose there are several answers for your questions, starting with
what you mean with ``create [microtonal] music with a PC''... For instance, you can try with scales by using any MIDI keyboard connected to a computer with the synthesizer software ZynAddSubFX, you can re-tune (or create) MIDI files with Scala, write microtonal staff notation with abcm2ps, do real time sound synthesis/processing with PureData or csound...
I hope these links can help:
Software for sound synthesis:
csound http://www.csounds.com/
pd http://puredata.info/
zynaddsubfx http://zynaddsubfx.sourceforge.net/
supercollider http://www.audiosynth.com/
RTcmix http://music.columbia.edu/cmix/
Music notation/MIDI:
lilypond http://lilypond.org/web/
abcm2ps, tclabc http://moinejf.free.fr/
microabc http://br.geocities.com/hfmlacerda/abc/microabc-about.html
abcMIDI http://ifdo.pugmarks.com/%7Eseymour/runabc/top.html
Math software:
scala http://www.xs4all.nl/~huygensf/scala/
octave http://www.octave.org/
Hudson Lacerda
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