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new MMMable software chucK (osx and others)

🔗Jacob <jbarton@...>

7/9/2006 11:54:20 AM

chucK is a spiffy new language that the Princeton Laptop Orchestra
( uses to coordinate their musicmaking.
Its advantage is being "strongly timed" - you can really make things
happen exactly when you want them to. More to the point, I just got it
to make microtonal music with very little effort:

1) using not the (excellent) command-line interface but the
"context-sensitive, on-the-fly programming environ/mentality"
miniAudion (only for osx at the moment)

2) using simple example code
( I was
easily able to interface chucK through OSX's inter-application
communication MIDI bus

3) opened up the average midi sequencer (Metro SE) and fooled around
with the note-input tool, you know, running up and down chromatically,
hearing the results with imperceptible-to-me latency (although it
starts losing notes if I squiggle too fast)

4) found the line in the code that converts midi note number into
frequency and realized that I could change it as easily as I can
change my pants. So currently it's in 12-tone-equal PLUS 47 HERTZ!!!
(What the heck kind of scale is that anyway?)

5) realized that I hold in my hands what I've wanted for over 3 years,
an composing environment I'm used to (sequencer) with the unbridled
synthesizing power and freedom greater than my capability to imagine
it (I hope).

Without a keyboard controller for a month, I will find this useful in
composing 1) the hoogie boogie, in 16 tones; 2) something for the
quartertone robot instruments at Logos (

Now the real work begins,