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Local Anomaly...


12/7/2001 10:01:09 AM

Hi All,

Sorry about the double post - I just figured out
that you cant upload files with names that contain a space -
hence the first one is invalid, and the space appears
as %20.

Anyway, I just uploaded "Local Anomaly", another piece
which in which all notes were retuned adaptively. The major timbres
in this are guitar-like, (and hence primarily harmonic), but
the use of the adaptation is quite different from the
earlier string quartet. Besides the obvious rhythmic drive of
the piece, the notes come rapidly - rarely is a note held
much longer than the time it takes it to converge to the
"corrected" nearby consonant interval.

By careful composition in the previous piece, I kept
the tonal center relatively stable, whereas here I just
let the pitches fall where they may - and you can clearly
hear the wriggling about of the tonal center - if indeed
this piece has one... perhaps its better to think of
it as having an "average" tonality that happens to have
a pretty large variance...

Comments appreciated,

Bill Sethares

🔗jonszanto <JSZANTO@...>

12/7/2001 11:26:39 AM


What a *cool* piece! I really enjoyed how you varied the 'setting' of
the parts, from very short, pizz-like envelopes to longer, sustained
ones, cut off only by the attack of the next. A lot of variety in the
arrangement. Also...

--- In MakeMicroMusic@y..., sethares@e... wrote:
> whereas here I just
> let the pitches fall where they may - and you can clearly
> hear the wriggling about of the tonal center - if indeed
> this piece has one... perhaps its better to think of
> it as having an "average" tonality that happens to have
> a pretty large variance...

What I find very nice about this situation is that the tonality is
kind of slinky and greasy, and the style of arrangement that you've
chosen works very well with it! The funky and somewhat dark drumming,
along with (from what I heard, see below) basically minor cast of the
piece gives it a great, "East Bay Grease"-style feel to it.

Thanks for your ventures in this area!

As an aside, I'll try and go back to your university site (I'm sure I
can ressurect the link) because Yahoo! is still being crappy about
decent downloads - I only got about half the file. Would you mind
posting a link to the directory where your music is stored at your
site? I don't know if you have this piece there, but maybe you could
post them there as well in case people have trouble dl'ing here.

I can't tolerate this situation too much longer, so the new year may
see some action from List Mom so this group can have a stable,
reliable place to share the music...
