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Concerts in LA

🔗Prent Rodgers <prentrodgers@...>

4/20/2006 11:44:17 AM

From the LA Times Calendar Live (go to and click on Stage of Discovery)

"Institutions sometimes reach out to other parts of a community, as
Valencia-based CalArts did by opening REDCAT to reach a downtown L.A.
audience. Other venues exist simply on their own. Either way, they
show individual profiles in their arts offerings.

Some of the wackiest and most cutting-edge events can be found at
REDCAT (the Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater), housed in the same
complex as Walt Disney Concert Hall. There will be a tribute to
contemporary microtonal composer Ben Johnston on May 17, and the
ensemble Partch will continue an ongoing multimedia survey of the
chamber music of maverick composer Harry Partch on May 30."

More at

Prent Rodgers