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Re: [MMM] Blue notes

🔗Carl Lumma <ekin@...>

4/13/2006 4:41:29 PM

>I often read that in jazz and blues chords, some non-tempered thirds
>and sevenths are frequently used. I am really pretty ignorant about
>this genre of music, but are we talking about 7/6 and 7/4, or neutral
>thirds/sevenths of some sort? What about augmented fourths?

Short answer: nobody really knows. Nobody even knows if there's
any consistency to what goes on.

Chords... depends on what you consider a chord. The biggest
deviations from 12 in jazz are probably in sax or vocal melodies.
I've heard big bands hit some JI stuff. Guitarists can bend
notes, but only up, and most JI is flat of 12.
