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Re: [MMM] New 7-limit JI techno piece

🔗Carl Lumma <ekin@...>

2/1/2006 9:37:00 PM

>Hi all,
>Here's a piece I and a friend (Jim Redfern) made. It very much resembles
>80-ies early techno I was told. It's most prominent feature tuningwise is
>that the root moves between 1/1 and 8/7 throughout the piece. It's just
>intonation through-out. We used a 24-note scale consisting of a 7-limit
>Partch diamond plus a few extra 7-limit superparticulars to 1/1 such as
>9/8, 10/9, 15/14, 16/15, 25/24 and their inversions. Most notes go unused
>in this piece though. I like superparticulars of 1/1 because they feel
>closely connected to the 1/1 and they give you the whole diatonic scale.
>It may not be everyone's favorite style of music, but I feel that the just
>intonation works very well in this style... do you all agree?
>or shorter:

Great! It's been a while since I've listened to something posted
here more than once in a row.

Is it called "Anticperience", and if so, why?
