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Re: [MMM] Re: Verses Five Five posted

🔗Carl Lumma <ekin@...>

1/20/2006 11:11:09 AM

At 11:06 AM 1/20/2006, you wrote:
> From: Carl Lumma <ekin@...>
>>There's unpleasant static preceding each attack, which sounds
>>like clipping but my guess is it's the fricatives in your
>>voice synth (typically done with noise bursts) lining up too much.
>>Have you tried staggering the attacks across parts by either
>>entering them from a keyboard or using something like midihum
>>by Gunter Nagler?
>Funny: Other people have complained that it was just too darn wet,

It is too wet. That's a reverb thing; different.

>If the consonants are over-blowing the output,

No, there's no clipping I don't think. It just sounds like it.
It's the fault of your vocal synth, is my guess. Can't you hear

>There's a lot of discussion on the Myriad website about how to improve
>the sound from their Virtual Singer that have so far dealt with the
>vowels (because Praat can analyze them). There needs to be some
>improvement on the consonant side, too, though. The challenge is how
>to make improved consonants with formant synthesis (as that's the VS
>engine). Anybody know of a good analysis set already done with
>consonants in formant synthesis (or is the hard way the only option
>[doing it myself]?) ?.

This synth is better, but is Mac-only I think

>I did try de-essing: maybe I need to tune up my de-esser some more.

That should help.

>And no, it won't be in 46-ET when I strike out that way: It'll be 15-ET.

Cool, I can't wait!
