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Hypatia of Alexandria


10/24/2001 4:14:15 PM

Here is a piece I am currently working on. Several weeks back we
were talking about belief systems and math, and I challenged myself
to see if I couldn't find some of the belief systems which kept me
from being an active contributor on tuning -math :-) (Jacky found
that hysterical!)

Well that led me back to Hypatia, a 4th c female mathematician who
was stoned to death for her mathematical knowledge by a gang of
Christian monks.

In this piece I am playing with 46 TET and 75TET, fronm the Stern
_Brocot scale tree. I think I'm going to have to look a little
further than Hypatia to get up to speed for tuning math, but I am
very much enjoying the process :-))
