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Wolfram Tones Music Generator

🔗paolovalladolid <phv40@...>

11/18/2005 11:10:48 AM

I hope to try this soon, but here's the link in case anybody's
inclined to try it and see if it supports microtuning:

🔗Jon Szanto <jszanto@...>

11/18/2005 12:16:35 PM


{you wrote...}
>I hope to try this soon, but here's the link in case anybody's inclined to >try it and see if it supports microtuning:

It doesn't support microtuning, but the application was discussed a bit on metatuning, and a couple of people (including me) corresponded with Wolfram about doing that in a future update. They were responsive and seemed at least moderately interested.

The two threads start here:

