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Microtonality in NI's Kontakt sampler -- keyboard mappings

🔗Bill Sethares <sethares@...>

7/31/2005 8:37:39 AM

Hi All,

I have a question about specifying keyboard mappings.

The background is that I have recently purchased
the software sampler Kontakt intending to use it
for microtonal things. It has a "scripting language"
which makes it possible (in principle) to implement
any desired tuning.

There are three microntonal scripts included:

(1) a dynamic tuning (this appears closely related to
Werner Mohrlok's work, though it's hard to tell
from the documentation).

(2) a 12-note retuning script (repeats the same
12-note tuning over all octaves)

(3) quarter-tone tuning

I had hoped to make a script that would read in
scala-generated files and then retune accordingly,
but am stymied because the language does not
have the ability to read in any kind of
external files. So I have decided to write
a script that will do any equal temperament
(since this can be done algorithmically).

Here's the question: how should the relationship
between MIDI notes played and sounded pitches
be specified? It seems that there are two parameters
needed, but they can be specifed in different ways.
For example, they could be

(a) lowest pitch to be sounded
(b) MIDI note that will correspond to the lowest pitch

I have (so far) implemented this by having the user
choose a MIDI note number corresponding to
the starting pitch and another corresponding
to the lowest keyboard note. I am wondering
if there is a better way.

Also, if anyone is using Kontakt, I would be happy
to share the script.

--Bill Sethares