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5,5,7,7 addenda

🔗traktus5 <kj4321@...>

10/10/2005 9:27:13 AM

Hello. Regarding the chord 3-8-10-15 just mentioned, where you have
two pairs of equivalent difference tones (10-3, 15-8 =7; 8-3, 15-10
= 5), which I guess could also be seen as an overlay of two chords
(3-10-15, and 3-8-15) having the same set of simple difference
tones -- I found other chords with the same property (eg, 6-9-10-13,
3-5-7-9, 5-6-8-9, etc).

Hopefully it's not just my bias for major seventh chords, but
comparing 3-8-10-15 to the other chord examples, it has a perhaps
unique feature. The number of diatonic scale steps between harmonic
numbers 3 and 10, and 8 and 15, are in a 2:1 ratio (12 and 6,
respectively; measured in semitones, it's 21 and 11 -- almost 2/1).

Perhaps there's a balance in this chord between the arithmatical
measure of it's intervals (the difference tone value) and the
logarythmic value of the interval (the step length). What do you

thanks, Kelly