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David Finnamore's html file for Tuning Lab

🔗Joseph Pehrson <josephpehrson@...>

10/10/2000 6:36:05 PM

David Finnamore made a nice "cleaned up" html file of the Tuning Lab

It is now in my directory along with the "zipped" mp3 files for the
harmonic entropy experiment...

NOTE: One cannot, of course, open the html file right in the
directory to play the mp3s. The reason, of course, is the fact that
the mp3s are not there, but only the "zip file" is!

So, if anyone wants to use the html file, they can simply copy it to
the same directory to which they have already extracted the mp3s on
their own hard drive. As long as it is in the same directory as the
extracted mp3s it will work...

Thanks, David for the help!!

_________ ____ __ _ _
Joseph Pehrson