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Pitch is logarithmic

🔗traktus5 <kj4321@...>

9/20/2008 4:56:50 PM

right..."since many aspcects of percetion are related to proportional
change, logarithmic scales are common in psychophysics" (Sound and
Hearing website, on Weber's law) which is why, though "the differences
between consecutive harmonics is constant", we perceive higher
harmonics as being closer together than lower ones."
(Wikipedia "Harmonic Seriew").

So that implies that the "shape" of the harmonic series, which is at
the root of tonal fusion, is really just imposed by the hearing
systme. So what if the hearing system was on a different log scale, or
not logarithmic at all (just additive), what would be the shape of the
harmonic series? (hee hee...trippy!! what is the reality beyond our

And Does any one the log scale of our hearing systme
specifically log2?