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Re: [cm] Re: frogs

🔗monz <joemonz@...>

8/7/2001 9:02:54 AM

> From: <jacky_ligon@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 4:08 AM
> Subject: [cm] Re: frogs

> Sounds like a real mix of different species and sizes of frogs.
> You ought to slip out to the pond and make a recording of the sound
> mass there. I'd personally love to hear what that sounds like.

Hi Jacky and Jeff,

I've been thinking of something since the introduction of this
"frog" thread (by me, I guess) which suddenly has become very
relevant with Jacky's request here.

Frogs and some other animals create a sound mass deliberately,
because it helps them to know when an intruder has entered their
environment. As long as the sound keeps reflecting back to them
unchanged, they know they're alone. But as soon as something,
a human for example, enters their area, it changes the reflection
of the sound and they know something is there, and they stop
making the noise, in order to protect themselves.

Try it out! Go towards the direction of the frog sound mass,
and you can't help but notice that at some point as you get closer,
there will suddenly be silence.

Someone told me about this (I'm pretty sure it was Ken Fasano,
when I visited him the day after I met you, Jacky, because in
back of his house lived thousands of frogs that were doing this),
and I haven't looked it up, so I don't have any other reference.

love / peace / harmony ...

"All roads lead to n^0"

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