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More Scarlatti K051 (was Re: Reply to John Starrett)

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <jdl@...>

8/5/2001 7:58:19 AM

[I wrote:]
>>John Starrett, did you want anything 5-limit? I assumed, wild man
>>that you are, that you'd want 7, but I can do others!

>>Besides the original, I've included:

[John S wrote:]
>The original in Sankey's tuning or in 12tet?

In Sankey's tuning. Since I'm uploading another zip, I'll include
12-tET for comparison.

>> k051_12z7: reduced to 12-tET, then tuned by JdL the _old_ way,
>> without springs, to 7-limit.

>I laughed my ass off. John Sankey is going to have you killed.

Quite possibly! ;->

>> k051_12dr7: reduced to 12-tET, then tuned by JdL in 7-limit with
>> fairly rigid vertical springs and quite soft grounding springs,
>> allowing for quite a bit of drift of the tuning over time.

>Oh yeah.

Kyool. My concern here is that the piece _sounds_ good, yet because of
rather large drift leaves an unsettled feeling.

>> k051_12vvs7: reduced to 12-tET, then tuned by JdL in 7-limit with
>> extremely rigid vertical springs and normal grounding and
>> horizontal springs.

>The second half contrasts so sharply with the nice purity of the first
>half, this is my least favorite.

Hmmm, not sure why it gives that sensation, but I'm not crazy about
this version either; it has rather large horizontal motion compared to
the others.

>Z7 is my favorite for the sheer preverse pleasure of hearing funny
>stuff. With a few hand tweaks, dr7 would no longer be funny, but a
>really interesting serious tuning choice. Truth is, if I had to choose
>one tuning (with which I am familiar) to hear this piece in for the
>rest of my life, I would choose Sankey's. Nevertheless is it great to
>hear these experiments.

Oh noooo! Does this mean that Sankey doesn't have to kill me? ;->

>Yes, I would like to hear the five limit versions.

Here's my 5-limit COFT, compared to Sankey's fixed tuning, all cents
relative to 12-teT:

Sankey COFT c5 COFT ce3
------ ------- -------
G#/Ab -12.50 +7.10 +12.44
D#/Eb -8.62 +5.55 +7.29
A#/Bb -5.08 +3.94 +3.20
F -1.95 +3.33 +1.97
C 0.00 -0.34 -1.33
G -3.17 -6.59 -6.01
D -6.64 -8.24 -9.21
A -11.33 -8.52 -7.86
E -13.67 -3.57 -7.10
B -13.50 -6.72 -6.42
F#/Gb -15.26 +6.05 +1.92
C#/Db -14.40 +8.00 +11.12

I have two COFT versions because of the infamous tritone. The COFT c5
uses 5-limit tuning files, and tends to target the 7th degree of a
dominant 7th at 8/9 of root above. The COFT ce3 doesn't use tuning
files, and tends to target the 7th degree at 9/10 of root above. Both
COFT's are a kind of cross between meantone and well temperament; I have
included files for both.

And a couple of others. Go to the JdL directory of this group's files
area and download As always, feedback welcome!