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Robert Walker's request (was Re: Reply to John Starrett)

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <jdl@...>

8/3/2001 10:14:46 AM

Robert requested Bach's WTC I C major prelude for tuning new and old.
I've just uploaded a zip to the files area (JdL directory) with several

bach_wtcI-1-prel.mid: original, 12-tET

bach_wtcI-1-prelz7.mid: as tuned by JdL the _old_ way, pre-spring,
in 7-limit.

bach_wtcI-1-prelcr7.mid: as tuned by JdL in 7-limit, with fairly
rigid vertical springs.

bach_wtcI-1-preldr7.mid: as tuned by JdL in 7-limit, with fairly
rigid vertical springs and quite soft grounding springs, allowing
for quite a bit of drift of the tuning over time.

bach_wtcI-1-preler3.mid: as tuned by JdL in 5-limit, with fairly
rigid vertical springs.

Robert, did you want anything more in 5-limit?