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Love and Hate

🔗Lawrence Ball <Lawrenceball@...>

7/23/2001 8:11:17 AM

Dear All

The text below is not theory - it is MUSIC born of practising the principles
espoused here. The music is sonorous, good, harmonious, often experimental
and pioneeringly inventive good relations with all manner of creative,
spiritual, scientific (and other good works) folk, which I have often (not
always) experienced with lively vibrant innovative melodic dialogue.

This is highly applicable (believe me, or, try an experiment first before
dismissing it) theory, I have made a lot of miraculous experiential music
with it (music is actually not acoustic - sorry guys/guyesses - but is
actually human energetic expression at root).

hate opposes hate
hate opposes love
but, love devours hate (that is you might say it discharges or evaporates

Try this simple experiment (or don't , as you wish!)

1) Criticise someone you disagree with - do you think it will be easier for
them to empathise with you? See if they do.

2) Try expressing something that you find in common with someone, with
empathy. At the least you will win some respect, if not a useful kindred

I can see that old patterns die hard, (mine certainly do!).

I can see that the Tuning group's fervent theoretical activity (particularly
the MIRACLE tuning) made it hard for folk to express their sometimes
vulnerable creative concerns and emerging reflections on creating their
music, especially when folk appeared territorial and sent posts like

Its hard for a list to remain open to a varied degree of focal points of
opinion and orientation when one or two folk are acting like they own the
list, and they dominate the colour of that list. The truth is no-one
actually owns the list. A more self-transcending attitude can have
miraculous consequences. (Try it first).

This list might go a similar way to the other if a few characters act like
they own it, although there are some currently who are self-possessed
sufficiently to act and express without the self affirming impulse that can
often accompany it. What a good list needs is a group consciousness. I
really think that we have everything to gain and nothing to lose by
asserting our personal chronic (speaking for myself!) idiosyncracies.

An open question for Brian McLaren : Brian, why do you choose (and is it a
conscious decision? - and if so what alternatives do you think there might
be?) to confront individuals with force rather than merely set an example to
those whom you consider on the right beam, of an encouraging nature? What do
you think is achieved by forceful confrontation as opposed to either
non-communication or encouraging spirit. I can see that you are firmly
engaged in a tackling strategy in relation to those you feel are not doing
micro-tonal composition or production in your book. I'm curious to know
what's behind the choice of this as a modus operandi when dealing with the
characters on this list, each of whom represents a vast world of activity,
knowledge and orientation that no one of us can possibly hope or claim to
have even a large cognizance of. I hope you can feel respect for you in this

I feel that email discussion groups make it hard for busy folk to avoid the
knee-jerk reaction syndrome, particularly when someone criticises them.
Jacky Ligon's excellent idea with TMA seems to me to focus on more long
lasting expression of our understandings and sharings. I don't post very
often, because I'm very involved with music creation, recording, composing,
design and with teaching. I wonder whether we're ready to spend more time
and focus on articles rather than be tempted to the more chatty
interactions. It feels not currently. That's fine - don't get me wrong - if
there's a need. It appeals less to me as time goes on. Its so easy to chew
up time on spinning around.

I hope I havn't trodden on any temperaments or toes.
Like Margo I feel the sense of community is paramount , even if I am a more
selective poster than most. I value Margo's forthright espousal of a music
of humanity (this is not a quote).

With infinite respect for all, especially the composers on the list
best wishes indeed, and masses of inspiration and application to everyone

🔗David J. Finnamore <daeron@...>

7/24/2001 11:44:13 AM


That was beautiful. I want to affirm especially:

--- In crazy_music@y..., Lawrence Ball <Lawrenceball@p...> wrote:
(music is actually not acoustic - sorry guys/guyesses - but
> actually human energetic expression at root)
