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Re: [crazy_music] Jacky LIgon's "primes" tuning

🔗David Beardsley <db@...>

7/19/2001 6:45:03 PM

----- Original Message -----
From: <xed@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 10:20 PM
Subject: [crazy_music] Jacky LIgon's "primes" tuning

> FROM: mclaren

> Jacky Ligon's posts appear rarely, but
> they always show the hallmark of his
> musicianship.
> By discussing a JI tuning made up of
> all primes, Jacky suggested some musically
> fruitful directions. No surprise that the
> arrogant incompetent ignorami who tyrannize
> the Alternative Wanking List failed to
> recognize the musical value of Jacky's
> tuning -- after all, neither Paul Erlich
> nor Dave Keenan nor David Beardley have
> ever bothered to tune up most of the scales
> they post so much meaningless mathematical
> masturbation about.

Yo net kook: It's been years since I posted any of my
tunings to the net. Get your facts right. Maybe even get the spelling
of my name right. I'd check out Jacky's primes tuning but I've
been busy preparing for concerts - I did a whole hour - "Blurry Day" on
17 limit synth as part of the 2001 World Out of Tune Festival
in June, NYC and next week I'm performing 13 limit (the Jon Catler
tuning) JI Gtr in NYC. This fall I'll be doing a repeat performance of
Blurry Day in NYC. And unlike some others on these lists, I do have
a day job - the family software biz.

Back when I first got interested in microtones and JI
I tried a lot of different tunings but now a days I stick
with a few I know.

But you do have a point about Monzo. He does seem
to have an internet addiction.

David Beardsley

🔗Kraig Grady <kraiggrady@...>

7/19/2001 7:33:44 PM

another interesting way of using JI intervals is like Novaro. the
idea is simply to use harmonic equally spaced by number as in
11, 17, 23, 29
37,43,49,55,61,67,73, 79
all separated by 6

as chords they sound good and hints that acoustical "coincidence" can by
itself tend toward a more consonant sound than expected.

Also outside of limits one can use means which historically has been
used to good effect both in Greece and in the Persian schools

xed@... wrote:

> FROM: mclaren
> TO: new practical microtonality list
> SUBJECT: Jacky Ligon's "primes" tuning

-- Kraig Grady
North American Embassy of Anaphoria island

The Wandering Medicine Show
Wed. 8-9 KXLU 88.9 fm