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Gauntlet Reviews: Monz & Graham

🔗X. J. Scott <xjscott@...>

7/19/2001 2:32:24 PM


Is that a pure sawtooth wave in your holy.mp3?




You have scored a point! The 7-limit tuning makes that
brass sound great. I like this piece -- it reminds me a
lot of "La Derniere Rhumba".

You did a good job of finding a genre and orchestration
that goes well with 7-limit, I must admit.

But -- it's one of those auto-accompaniment gizmos



The Bulgarian choir song sounds considerably better
with the new recording, but I must say the voice patch
is still pretty lousy with the super-obvious looping. I
admit I don't have any really good voice patches
either. Did the (original) Kurzweil 250 have some realy
good choir patches or am I imagining it? Anyone have
one of these old beasts or can recommend a good vocal
synth? What about the formant/physical modelling
synthesis approach? Anyone ever have good results going
that way?

(What's the deal with choir anyway everyone -- is it
impossible to got a good effect without using a real
choir? Probably wouldn't be a problem to get a real
choir... I bet most of us could work up a deal with a
local high school band director to do a little
experiment. Just a matter of some diplomacy there. Or
get together a few friends who can sing like Jacky does
with such excellent results & maybe do a trade.)

Anyway, back to the song -- the new recording does
remove the super duper distracting element of the
previous recording and now I can hear the 11-limit
tuning. Not too bad. Kind of interesting. I do think
it's improving but seems like it still needs some work
on the sequencing end with the phrasing or something?
Anyone else think this too or am I just out here by

- Jeff