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non-octave music (alpha)

🔗Rick McGowan <rick@...>

5/31/2001 11:18:22 PM

So... I was promising some non-octave music, and I now got my web stuff up
in minimal form, so...

(1.37 megabytes) This is "alpha" scale music; the file is a narrated
synopsis of a 20-minute ballet work.


🔗Robert Walker <robertwalker@...>

6/1/2001 11:22:19 AM

Hi Rick

> So... I was promising some non-octave music, and I now got my web stuff up
> in minimal form, so...
> (1.37 megabytes) This is "alpha" scale music; the file is a narrated
> synopsis of a 20-minute ballet work.

Enjoyed your train into town especially!


> The music is all in a tuning that chooses 12 notes of 17 tET; and is
> basically diatonic & conservative. Here is a pointer to an MP3 of the
> brief "overture" that introduces the tunes used throughout the rest of the
> play...
> (2.3 MB)

Also enjoyed the 17-tet overture. It sounds
very exotic to me in this tuning! It's a
lot of fun :-)
