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Re: JdL: three thumbs up!

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <jdl@...>

7/15/2001 6:09:06 AM

[Jacky Ligon wrote:]
>Now when John tuned up those Bernard Hermann film themes from Psycho
>and North by Northwest for me, they sounded wonderful. To my ears
>they sounded infinitely better than the original midis. Went from 2-D
>to multi-D.

>John - I'm unable to find these. I wanted to post them with the
>originals for comparison. Did you save them perchance? If you did
>please send them to me and I'll share them here.

One of my bad habits is that I never throw anything away, and my hard
disk's gigabytes of stuff (in spite of backups to CD-R) reflect this.
The upside is that, yes, I've quite certain I've still got those pieces.
I got the same sensation as you, Jacky, of added dimensions after
tuning. Lemme dig them out and I'll send them to you.

If my work pleases some of the people, some of the time, my efforts are
not wasted!


🔗monz <joemonz@...>

7/15/2001 7:43:52 AM

> From: John A. deLaubenfels <jdl@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 6:09 AM
> Subject: [crazy_music] Re: JdL: three thumbs up!
> > [Jacky Ligon wrote:]
> > Now when John tuned up those Bernard Hermann film themes from Psycho
> > and North by Northwest for me, they sounded wonderful. To my ears
> > they sounded infinitely better than the original midis. Went from 2-D
> > to multi-D.
> > John - I'm unable to find these. I wanted to post them with the
> > originals for comparison. Did you save them perchance? If you did
> > please send them to me and I'll share them here.
> One of my bad habits is that I never throw anything away, and my hard
> disk's gigabytes of stuff (in spite of backups to CD-R) reflect this.
> The upside is that, yes, I've quite certain I've still got those pieces.
> I got the same sensation as you, Jacky, of added dimensions after
> tuning. Lemme dig them out and I'll send them to you.
> If my work pleases some of the people, some of the time, my efforts are
> not wasted!

I get the same sensation of added dimensions about your retunings
of much of my own music too, John!

I missed the retuned _Psycho_, and would *love* to hear it.
It's always been one of my favorite film scores.

(Hermann wrote such a fantastic score for _Vertigo_ that
I have yet to know what that movie's about! Every time I
try to watch it, I find myself mesmerized by the music by about
a third of the way thru, and can never pay enough attention
to the plot to know what else happens! That means that
actually, *as a film score*, he didn't do such a great job,
but it sure is terrific music!!)

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