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New poll for crazy_music


5/30/2001 2:54:33 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

How available is your music?
(note: 'released' only means that your
music is available, released and able to
fly to others, it doesn't mean you have
a contract or distributor. 'microtonal'
means non-12t

o Have released one or more microtonal CD.
o Have released one or more microtonal tapes.
o Have recorded microtonal music privately, but not released.
o Have released 12tET music on CD.
o Have released 12tET music on tape.
o Have recorded 12tET music but not released.
o Have performed music for friends.
o Have performed music for audience or in public.
o Some other category.
o Am not involved in composition.

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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5/30/2001 3:00:03 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

How often do you compose?

o Every day; it is part of my routine.
o At least once a week.
o At least once a month.
o A few times a year.
o Only on vacation - I am too busy for that!
o I hope to start some day.
o I don't do it and don't plan to start.

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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5/30/2001 3:04:12 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

What sort of instruments do you use?

o Synthesizers
o Acoustic Instruments
o Electric Instruments (bass, guitar, etc)
o Interactive Software
o Batch mode Software (like csound)
o Found instruments (rocks, pots, sticks)
o Exotic or custom made instruments.
o Instruments I have made myself.

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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5/30/2001 3:10:35 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

How many released tape or CD albums have
you worked on?

o 10 or more
o 7-9
o 4-6
o 2-3
o 1
o I have finished my first album and am in the process of releasing it.
o I am recording my first album right now.
o I am about to start recording my first album - my studio is finally setup and I have a stack of blank CDs ready to go.
o Someday I hope to release an album.
o I don't ever want to release an album, I only play live.
o I will never release an album because I am above and beyond any need to manifest actual music externally.

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
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5/30/2001 3:13:36 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Buzzword Check - Just Intonation

o I know what this is, it is the One True Tuning.
o I know what this is and have made up my own scales.
o I know what this is and have used others' scales.
o I know what this is but do not use it.
o I know what you think this is but I say it is something different.
o I know what this is -- it is All That is Wrong with the World Today.
o Where's the FAQ?

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
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5/30/2001 3:14:20 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Buzzword Check - Rational Intonation

o I know what this is, it is the One True Tuning.
o I know what this is and have made up my own scales.
o I know what this is and have used others' scales.
o I know what this is but do not use it.
o I know what you think this is but I say it is something different.
o I know what this is -- it is All That is Wrong with the World Today.
o Where's the FAQ?

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.



5/30/2001 3:16:18 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Buzzword Check - Non-Just Non-Equal

o I know what this is, it is the One True Tuning.
o I know what this is and have made up my own scales.
o I know what this is and have used others' scales.
o I know what this is but do not use it.
o I know what you think this is but I say it is something different.
o I know what this is -- it is All That is Wrong with the World Today.
o Where's the FAQ?

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.



5/30/2001 3:18:44 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Buzzword Check - Nonoctave Equal Tunings

o I know what this is, it is the One True Tuning.
o I know what this is and have made up my own scales.
o I know what this is and have used others' scales.
o I know what this is but do not use it.
o I know what you think this is but I say it is something different.
o I know what this is -- it is All That is Wrong with the World Today.
o Where's the FAQ?

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.



5/30/2001 3:21:39 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Buzzword Check - Nonoctave Just Tunings

o I know what this is, it is the One True Tuning.
o I know what this is and have made up my own scales.
o I know what this is and have used others' scales.
o I know what this is but do not use it.
o I know what you think this is but I say it is something different.
o I know what this is -- it is All That is Wrong with the World Today.
o Where's the FAQ?

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.



5/30/2001 3:22:57 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Buzzword Check - Nonoctave Non-Just
Non-Equal Tuning

o I know what this is, it is the One True Tuning.
o I know what this is and have made up my own scales.
o I know what this is and have used others' scales.
o I know what this is but do not use it.
o I know what you think this is but I say it is something different.
o I know what this is -- it is All That is Wrong with the World Today.
o Where's the FAQ?
o Are you kidding me? Show me the money!
o Elvis has *left* the building.

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.



5/30/2001 3:23:23 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Buzzword Check - Nonoctave Non-Just
Non-Equal Tuning

o I know what this is, it is the One True Tuning.
o I know what this is and have made up my own scales.
o I know what this is and have used others' scales.
o I know what this is but do not use it.
o I know what you think this is but I say it is something different.
o I know what this is -- it is All That is Wrong with the World Today.
o Where's the FAQ?
o Are you kidding me? Show me the money!
o Elvis has *left* the building.

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.



5/30/2001 3:23:51 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Buzzword Check - Spectrum Scales

o I know what this is, it is the One True Tuning.
o I know what this is and have made up my own scales.
o I know what this is and have used others' scales.
o I know what this is but do not use it.
o I know what you think this is but I say it is something different.
o I know what this is -- it is All That is Wrong with the World Today.
o Where's the FAQ?

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.



5/30/2001 3:30:18 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Which microtonal life scenarios do you
find appealing

o I am living in a log cabin with no electricity, communing with nature, singing with the birds and banging sticks together and playing my drums.
o I am living in an ivory tower, surrounded by quills and parchment. There is a harpsichord with a split key 16 note keyboard in the corner. My patron really respects my work and the public seems to enjoy my recitals.
o I am living in the Big City where I play the downtown scene and am a well known and respected local microtonalist. If you can dig it, man!
o I am living on a commune that practices biointensive organic farming, growing all my own food, disconnected from the grid, but with a composter that turns trash and cow manure into methane for use in the gas turbine that fuels my dream studio setup.
o I am living in a Monastary or Tent in the Himalayan mountains where I raise onions and practice throat singing and chanting and the tritone is my favourite interval. I have mastered the art of bilocation and am one with all that is.
o I live in my tour bus, travelling from town to town performing hard core microtonal punk music to screaming throngs of fans. I insist that they remove all the brown M&Ms because that tells me that they at least read the contract.
o I work in my million dollar home studio in the suburbs of an upscale beachtown composing alien drinking songs for TV space operas. Last year I won an Emmy!
o I am living in an ivory tower, surrounded by advanced computers and thirteen dimensional realtime VR diagramming software. A neural interface automatically translates my thoughts into MP3 files which are made available instantly for downloading into the cell phones of Topless Islanders, Nomadic Ubekistani Goatherders and African Pygmies.

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
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7/15/2001 9:12:57 AM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Round 1 - The Schoenberg Sizzler! Who

o The Fighting Irishman
o The Italian Stallion
o it was a draw

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
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7/15/2001 9:13:28 AM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Round 2 - The Low Limit Adaptive Tuning
Tangle! Who won

o The Fighting Irishman
o The French Tornado
o it was a draw

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
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7/15/2001 9:13:58 AM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Round 3 - The Concert Review Rustabout!
Who won

o The Fighting Irishman
o The Parchian Crusader
o it was a draw

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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7/23/2001 7:33:01 AM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Which tuning of "Tango" do you prefer?

o I prefer tuning m.
o I prefer tuning x.
o I experienced no significant preference.

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.



8/6/2001 5:41:33 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Which tuning of "barricades" do you

o I prefer tuning s.
o I prefer tuning z.
o I experienced no significant preference.

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
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8/6/2001 5:38:46 PM

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
crazy_music group:

Which version of bachto do you prefer?

o I prefer tuning e.
o I prefer tuning q.
o I experienced no significant preference.

To vote, please visit the following web page:


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not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
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