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Trying to get MP3's off Yahoo

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <jdl@...>

7/11/2001 7:08:37 AM

[Bob Valentine wrote:]
>I'm sorry I can't comment on the music thats been put
>up, my downloads have all barfed but I will try harder
>over the weekend.

I don't think it's going to get any better. Yahoo, it seems, cuts off
downloads after a preset number of minutes. Irritatingly, it sends
a signal that the download is complete and error-free, yet the file is
a small fraction of what it should be. When you try again, it cuts off
at almost exactly the same place every time.

It's clear from all the excitement generated that there are some
interesting fragments that've been posted to this list. Does anybody
have some web space on a more conventional web server where this problem
doesn't exist? That'd help those of us with slow connections experience
this music.



🔗George Zelenz <ploo@...>

7/11/2001 10:12:39 AM

i guess you like Lycos, but i still can't
get diddly from them.


"D.Stearns" wrote:

> I think for excerpts and tuning examples a lo-fi streaming (or even an
> RA type) format would be preferable.
> For completed pieces I think downloads make sense... still sound like
> crap compared to the original source in my experience but it's the a
> pretty fair tradeoff for sharing across the internet (I guess).
> I've recently been experimenting with Lycos on Jeff Scott's
> suggestion. I think this is easily accessible one option when
> downloads and hi-fi streaming are desirable. Also, unlike, no
> money enters the equation here, so PFP spamming and related pathetic
> annoyances aren't a problem.
> --Dan Stearns
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🔗George Zelenz <ploo@...>

7/11/2001 12:11:46 PM

Tapes? What are those?

"D.Stearns" wrote:

> George,
> <<i guess you like Lycos, but i still can't get diddly from them.>>
> Ah, crap! I only like it if it works... some people have told me that
> they could get it to download no problem, but others like yourself
> have had no luck.
> This, in short, sucks...
> nostalgic for the old days of P.O. box tape trading tag,
> --Dan Stearns
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
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