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loads of mclaren up


7/10/2001 9:38:16 PM

I very much enjoyed mclaren's uploads. Excellent snippets...

It seemed more "positive" than the prose, which has also been
interesting but, seemingly, a little misanthropic... Well, so...
some composers are like that.

Anyway, perhaps mclaren could consider using a FOLDER in the files
group. It's a little computer "courtesy" that might be seen as
good "manners"... I am certain a primary concern of all...

Rather than taking up a lot of file space, I would rather cite LINKS
to some of my xenharmonic pieces:

_Verklarte Neunzehn_

a piece in 19 tones per octave from a 7-limit JI scale


a piece using a 6-note hexany on


In the Bohlen-Pierce scale


in 48 equal


For Theremin (whoopie-doopie, a LIVE instrument!)


For viola and MIDI in a hexany-based scale of:
1/1, 35/32, 9/8, 5/4, 21/16, 45/32, 3/2, 105/64, 27/16, 7/4, 15/8,
63/32, 2/1.

Frankly, although I enjoy MIDI, I believe part of being a composer is
working with LIVE players and physical instruments... So, I'm hoping
to continue that direction...

________ _______ ________
Joseph Pehrson