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Wild Dog 3 art extravaganza hits London on Saturday

🔗Jeff <nonoctave@...>

3/24/2006 3:17:27 AM

Hey everyone, if you are in or around London tomorrow evening, you may to stop by Wild
Dog 3 at "The Space" on Westferry Read.

Here's the description:

> The Space
Saturday 25th March, 7.30-10.00pm
269 Westferry Read, London E14 3RS

> Wild Dog continues to present illuminating juxtapositions of contemporary art practice.
Wild Dog 3 includes the stunning film 'The Take Project' (Zoe Inch, Fr., 2003); mixed media
work by Donald Bousted and two contemporary art performances. Plus sonic and sound art

> Live Performance Rachel Barnes (Helder recorder); Stephen Altoft (microtonal trumpet);
Amanda Couth and Gary O'Conner (live art) Film Zoe Inch; Shelley Heath; Eleanor Lawler
Music Donald Bousted; Gary O'Conner; X. J. Scott; Neil Webb; Lisa Whistlecroft and more!

> 6.00-7.00pm Yasser and Beyond - a free demonstration of Stephen Altoft's amazing
microtonal trumpets. Music by Michael Parsons, John Lely and more!

(Yes, music by X. J. Scott, ho ho.)

The information above comes from a postcard that was sent out by Microtonal Projects, UK
to suspects likely to attend. I've taken the information from the postcard and put together
a flyer here, with pricing and directions:

Check it out!

- Jeff

🔗Jeff S. <nonoctave@...>

3/31/2006 1:15:14 AM

So last week's Wild Dog 3 in London was standing room
only. Yay! People are digging the microtones.

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