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UK MicroFest 1 reminder - Friday and Saturday

🔗Jeff <nonoctave@...>

10/13/2005 7:58:52 PM

Hey all,

For those of you in the British Isles, do not forget that the biggest jamminest Microtonal event to hit the UK is coming up this Friday and Saturday: UK MicroFest 1.

Program Details are found in this pdf file:

Which is found, along with bios and press releases on this page:

It's from 1-9:15 on Friday and from 10-9:30 on Saturday at the Riverhouse, an arts centre in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey.

Admission of £10 is charged for each of the four sessions. Admission fees go to pay for costs and will also go to fund Microtonal Projects Ltd, which is an organization that is working to promote microtonal composition, performance and instrument design in the UK.

To help out with the cause, I can announce both that for those attending the event, Li'l Miss' Scale Oven Pro Edition for the Mac will be temporarily available at a very special show discount price, and also a portion of each sale will go to help fund Microtonal Projects Ltd. But the discount will be for MicroFest audience members only, to show appreciation for their support for Microtonality in the UK.

Hope everyone who is near the event can make it!