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Intel Mac & LMSO

🔗X. J. Scott <xjscott@...>

6/6/2005 9:22:17 PM

Hi everyone,

Apple announced today that they will be transitioning to an Intel based
architecture. This process is expected to take one to two years, at which
point the new computers will be made available to the public. Although
special development machines are now available for testing, the Intel Macs
will feature completely new Intel chips that are not yet available to
anyone. Rumors are that these chips will be 64-bit, multi-core, very fast,
low power and other desirable features. If they are indeed multicore and are
priced competitively, this will be a substantial advantage to the Mac and to
musicians since the Mac kernel is much more attuned, by design, to work with
multiple processors than the Windows kernel. OS X will not work on standard
PC hardware but will still require special hardware fine tuned by Apple for
maximum performance.

Apple has provided directions on how to port applications to the new
architecture and the Li'l Miss' Scale Oven (LMSO) port to Intel should not
present any major problems. Anyone who purchases LMSO starting now will be
eligible to upgrade to LMSO Intel when it is available.


- Jeff
Red Barn Goat Farm
Mac Tuning Software