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Retuning old modular beasts

🔗X. J. Scott <xjscott@...>

1/21/2003 7:15:54 PM

Hey all,

As those of you who checked out my album excerpt in my previous post might
have guessed, I finally dug out the microtonal MIDI to CV device that I
designed and built back around 1989 and upgraded the DAC to 18 bits to get
the tuning resolution I want (128/(2^17) = .00098 semitones) and recompiled
its embedded OS to have better tuning message support so it could be driven
by LMSO and hooked the whole doo-hickey up to my creaky old ARP 2600
semi-modular patchcordable synthesizer, vintage 1973 or thereabouts.

So anyway if you want to hear a little ARP 2600 gamelan piece, you'll want
to check out the following:

Wheee!!!! These are great times we live in!!

- Jeff