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FW: facts make strange bedfellows

🔗X. J. Scott <xjscott@...>

12/4/2002 11:10:35 PM

> In a broad international survey released Wednesday, the Pew Global Attitudes
========================== ------------------
> Project found that the United States is falling out of favor in 19 of 27
> countries where a trend could be identified.

[Er out of 185 countries, falling out of favor in 19. But they quote it as
'19 out of 27 where a trend could be identified'. Nope! No media bias here!
Nothing to see keep moving along folks!]

> The dislike was especially striking in Muslim countries.

Ya think?

> Large percentages of Muslim respondents in several countries said they believe
================= --------------------- -------------
> suicide bomb attacks are a justifiable defense of Islam. This was especially
> so in Lebanon, where 73 percent supported this belief.

Who prints these lies? It is obvious that they only polled the most exrteme
radicals. It is simply false that the majority of muslims are crazy lunatics
simply because they admitn to it during reputable surveys done by long
established and credible surveyers using scientific methods. Don't confuse
us with facts. A small minority of muslims are not radical and deranged
psychopaths, therefore all muslims are peaceful flower children and to say
otherwise such as by quoting established measured facts such as asking them
directyl what they really thing and writing down the answers they give is
not only unfair and racist but an insane act of bigotry! Why did not they
ask them if they liked puppy dogs or kittens instead? That they asked if
they lupported suicide bombings that kill thousands of innocent people shows
how truly biased and unfair the media really is!

- Jeff